Monday, April 6, 2009

Oblong + Puns

Here are the photos from our 5th birthday "Oblong + Puns Party". From a Star Spangled Spanner to A Frayed Knot, there was no shortage of sickening puns. The effort put into some of the costumes was truly outstanding, inspiring even, and it definitely made for a great party where it appeared as though every dad joke ever conceived had materialised and decided to celebrate bad humour in Oblong's basement studio.

Punch and Judy. Awesome.

A Pregnant Pause enjoys a bit of Pork Barreling.

A really punny shot.

Can you karate chop me a piece of that swan cake, Karate Kidney Bean?

"A film, two words..."

Everyone wants a little P's on earth.

Ms Chief, Ms Print and the Lesser of Two Weevils.

No one messes with the Karate Kidney Bean. "Sweep the legume!"

Surf n' Turf - Prawn Star wooing Mary Had a Little Lamb. She's a glutton for mutton.

What are you going to with all that junk that is in your trunk, J-Mo?

Everyone knows Flacido Flamingo is a tenor.

Chicken catch a Tory!

Baberaham Lincoln watches Channel No.5.

Ms Print and Mail Dominated make sure A Little Horse has had his cough stirrup.

The Mime of the Ancient Mariner doesn't have a great deal to say to Ms Chief.

J-Mo and Freudian Slip discuss personal grooming.

Aubergine Simmons talks pun policy with Baberaham Lincoln.

Assaulted Nut discusses kitchen related topics with Fridge Magnet.

The Star Spangled Spanner wasn't a tool at all.

A Frayed Knot left early to tie up a few loose ends.

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