Thursday, September 3, 2009

The guilt filter

As you are probably aware by now if you've read a few of our posts, Oblong likes smart ideas which are good for the environment, and conversely, dislikes dumb ideas which are bad for the environment.

Scientific terminology aside, how good is this smart idea which is good for the environment!

It's called 321 Water and it's an extremely viable alternative to the evils of bottled "spring" water (see a couple of posts down for more on the evils of bottled water).

But it's just tap water in a container I hear you say? Kind of, but you filter out the impurities through a cool plunger mechanism which means you never have to buy bottled water again! It'll pay for itself after just one week!

And if you purchase them directly off their website, you get a handy little discount.

Do something great for yourself, and the environment with 321 Water.

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